Access to Finance

Kenya has a liberal legal and regulatory framework that facilitates the frictionless flow of Foreign Direct Investment into the country making it easy for enterprises operating in Kenya to mobilize capital from around the world and compete successfully.

The Central Bank of Kenya has licensed 42 licensed commercial banks which, together with a variety of financial institutions, can extend credit to investors. Credit Reference Bureaus complement the central role played by banks and other financial institutions by collecting, managing, and disseminating customer information to lenders within a provided regulatory framework. The country also has National Consumer Protection and Bankruptcy laws that are designed to protect the legal rights of the borrower and promote commerce and economic growth.

To further enhance the access that local businesses have to both finance and the global value chain, Turkana County Government County has enacted legislation designed to promote, facilitate and advocate for improved DDI through:

The Turkana County Biashara Fund Act, 2015 

Establishes the Turkana County Biashara Fund Board to facilitate the improvement of the county’s business environment and self-reliance and   boost the growth of micro-entrepreneurs in the county

The Turkana County Youth Council Act, 2015


Establishes the Turkana County Youth Council to advocate for youth participation in policy-making and economic activities as well as promote the County Youth Enterprise Development Fund

The Turkana County Persons with Disabilities Act, 2017 

Establishes the Turkana County Persons with Disabilities Development Fund with an 87 percent allocation towards the economic empowerment and development of persons living with disabilities in the county. The Act also provides for the operationalization of schemes and projects aimed at supporting persons living with disabilities who venture into gainful self-employment and private enterprise.